Monday, August 4, 2008


After the start of the new semester, our first activity - 'Bootstrapper' event was held on July 23rd,2008.For a tight scheduled week of exams and other activities,it was an okay crowd of atleast 60 people.We started off with a flash presentation- our club signature.Then Gracelyne,MSP made a presentation - Introduction to MSP programme.

The ppt included things about the MSP Programme,Benefits of Microsoft Campus Club,overview of MCC'08-'09 activities,About Imagine Cup '09,about oppurtunities from Microsoft like S2B,DreamSpark contests,Student Experience,and other such things.In between slides few question were shot at the students to know how much awareness was among them about these contests and technology(like AJAX,Silverlight,Expression Studio) in general.A video on IC history was also shown.

Ramesh,MSP then took over.He,being the admin of my college MSDNAA,gave a briefing on that.He also took the basic concepts about .Net .We gave away few MS pens and keychains as giveaways for the pop quiz winners.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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